Sun spots, age spots and livers spots, acne stains, pregnancy mask and melasma…call them what you want, but these conditions all lump into one simple category: hyperpigmentation. So, what’s the deal? Where did this come from? Simply put, hyperpigmentation is the result of an overproduction of melanin in a localized area stimulated either by sun, trauma or hormones. Melanin is found throughout the body and is responsible for the colour of our hair, eyes and skin. Fair skinned people tend to make very little melanin while darker skinned individuals make more. Melanin is produced by specialized cells called melanocytes, which are among the cells primarily found in the outermost layer of the skin. After melanin is produced, it spreads and is evenly distributed within the skin. However, when the melanocytes get damaged or become unhealthy in some way, the production process can go into overdrive, resulting in an uneven skin tone. Read More