Break the never-ending cycle of shaving and waxing. Why endure something painful, tedious and expensive when the results don’t last? Rid yourself of unwanted body hair with laser hair removal for men. Bare your smooth, hair-free skin with confidence.
We’re pretty tech savvy.
At NuAGE, our expert technicians use the CUTERA Laser machine, which works on all skin and hair types. It’s safe, fast and super effective even on large areas including the back, chest and stomach.
Benefits of Laser Body Hair Removal With CUTERA:
- A non-invasive treatment that removes unwanted hair from most areas of the body
- The only medical grade laser machine containing all four devices (IPL, Diode, Alexandrite and Nd:YAG) necessary for hair removal on every skin tone and hair type
- Our expert technicians have the ability to customize laser hair removal treatment to suit your individual needs
- Consistent energy levels throughout treatment so it’s safe and doesn’t burn skin
- Provides varying penetration levels for hard to treat areas allowing for improved efficiency and treatment times that are 10x faster than regular laser systems
- Minimal discomfort (less pain than waxing!)
- Thinner, thicker and lighter-colored hair may be treatable
- Alleviates ingrown hairs and shaving bumps
- No more waxing, shaving, depilatory creams or electrolysis
- Zero downtime
- Hair doesn’t need to be grown out between treatments as with waxing
- Cost-effective in the long term
- Skin tone and complexion can appear more even
- Dark skin pigmentation from hair follicles will vanish

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What does laser hair removal treatment feel like?
A: We know, no one wants to admit they’re worried about discomfort but it’s a common concern. Well breathe a sigh of relief, because you’ll feel relaxed throughout each session. We use cooling gel and a CoolGlide handheld device to cool and soothe the skin as we treat it. When the pulse is delivered, you’ll feel like your skin is being blow-dried. Those of you who’ve waxed before won’t even flinch because this is much less painful. If you’re someone who wants to feel absolutely nothing (we don’t judge), you can use a topical anesthetic to numb sensitive areas. No local anesthesia or pain medicine is required. Talk to one of our specialists because we can make your treatments quite comfortable.
What happens after a laser hair removal treatment session?
A: The area we treated might be a little red and slightly swollen right after the session, but this goes away quickly. Three to seven days post-treatment, you might experience what will look like hair regrowth but rejoice because the hairs aren’t actually growing back. Instead, they’re shedding as a result of the laser. Don’t wax or tweeze between treatments because this can cause irritation in the follicle. Feel free to shave though.
How does laser hair removal compare with electrolysis?
A: Ouch! Electrolysis is invasive, painful and takes forever. It involves sticking a needle into each individual hair follicle and administering an electrical charge to them one at a time. It can take years of regular treatment. Laser hair removal can treat an area in seconds that would have taken more than an hour with electrolysis, because it delivers light energy to hundreds of follicles at a time.
How does laser hair removal work?
A: We use a handheld device to deliver intense pulses of light down the hair shaft. The heat reaches the follicle and destroys it, disabling it from producing hair.
How many laser hair removal treatments will I need?
A: It depends on several factors, including hair thickness, the area of the body we’re targeting and the growth cycle of your hair. However, most areas need four to eight treatments. Here’s something for trivia night: At any given time, not all hairs are actively growing. They go through three different phases: growth, regression and resting. Laser hair removal treatments destroy the hair in its active growth phase and only about 20% of your body hairs are in active growth cycle at once. Other hairs enter this phase at different times, which is why multiple treatments are needed to disable all of the follicles in an area.
What are the possible side effects of laser hair removal?
A: A little reddening and local swelling of the skin, similar to sunburn, are the most common side effects. Both usually go away in a few hours or less. In extremely rare instances, blistering may occur, though it isn’t likely. Very few patients have to deal with side effects but it might depend on the hair thickness and the area being targeted. Be sure to ask your NuAGE Laser technician for a complete run down of the risks and benefits of laser hair removal that correspond with your skin type.